Tuesday, January 27, 2015

Did You Know? Part 2

Here are a few more resources that are available to you through East Noble. We are very lucky to have these and they can make teaching fun!

Big Universe
Big Universe provides students with high interest online reading materials. These materials can be modified for personal reading level, as well as regulated by the teacher. One way these texts can be used is to differentiate the reading in your classroom. Books can be picked by the teacher that will meet the needs of the students, yet remain on topic for the teaching needs. In grade K through 4, Big Universe books are available offline through the app. This makes reading at home easy on eLearning days!

Brain Pop and Brain Pop Jr.
These websites are available for both students and staff members. Students may access Brain Pop and Brain Pop Jr. through the student portal. It is only available to them during the school hours. Teachers may log into Brain Pop and Brain Pop Jr. at any time to preview content. If you need the username or password, please contact me.
Many Brain Pop "movies" are great introductions, review, and recap for topics you cover in class. They are quick and easy to use.

Everyday Math ePresentations
Everyday Math has already created interactive white board activities that can aid in the teaching of Everyday Math lessons. The art, tables, manipulatives, tools, student pages, and titles of lessons are in place for you. The lessons can be accessed through your Everyday Math log-in, then downloaded to your computer to use through ActiveInspire. Each lesson is divided into 2 parts. The first part, "getting started," includes mental math and reflexes, math message, and review of study links. Part two includes section A of the lesson plans from the teacher's manual.

Tuesday, January 20, 2015

Did You Know?

Many professional and classroom materials are available to you! Some are available through East Noble, while others are available through the support of the public library, All Write!, and personal professional libraries. In my next few posts I will discuss a few of these resources.

DailyCafe is the 2 sisters website. It contains many articles that can help you in your classroom ranging from implementation, expectation,  and visuals, to behavior and even math. The sisters website also contains many helpful videos of what it looks like in their classrooms. Please let me know if you are interested in gaining access to any of the content on this website.

Tumble Books is available to us through the Kendallville Public Library. These books are only available online and are not leveled, but the books are read to the kids. This is a great site for emerging readers and ELL students. Logging in is simple, just go to the library website and go to digital library.

eSebco is also available to us through the Kendallville Public Library. This is an excellent nonfiction resource for our students. Unlike Tumble Books, these books can be downloaded and read later, making it an excellent choice for eLearning. Logging in is a little more difficult. Go to the library website and click digital library. Once you are at the log in page, the username is kendallvillelibrary, the password is books, and the teacher library card number is 1111.

More resources to come! Check back next week!

Tuesday, January 13, 2015

MLK Lesson Idea

I know many of you are probably started to prepare for MLK, but I thought I would share some lessons I found.
1.     Use a brown egg and a white egg to talk about diversity. Use a Venn Diagram or any other form of graphic organizer.
2.     Use M&Ms the same way as the egg. (They are all chocolate in the center.)
3.     Use speech bubble and have the students write about their dreams.
4.     Have students describe their own color. (This would be a great K descriptive words lesson.) For instance, I am the color of Cheerios!
5.     Have the students use their devices to find pictures that match their dream, then write a description of their dream.

If you would like any help integrating a MLK lesson into your curriculum, please let me know.

Saturday, January 10, 2015

Just Getting Started

As I start my new adventure, there are some things that I want everyone to know. I will not bore you with all of it, but here are a few key points.

My goal is to make your job easier! I will not always have the answers right away, but will dedicate myself to finding answers for you.

I hope to get to know each and every person that I work with in order to form a trusting relationship.

Remember, my job is not evaluative in any way. My job is simply to help achieve your professional and school related goals.

If I have not already, I will be setting a time for us to meet and discuss any needs you feel you have or ways in which I can help you. In the meantime, I hope you fill complete the survey I created.

I can't wait to learn and grow together!