Wednesday, May 11, 2016

A Student-Centered Classroom With Flexible Seating

This week Kari and I are sharing an article with you about the use of flexible seating in your classroom. Research has shown many positive benefits of using flexible seating including increased engagement, higher academic performance, and improved behavior. These benefits and the research that was referenced are outlined in this article by Kayla Delzer, a teacher and educational consultant. She states, "Redesigning a classroom or implementing unassigned flexible seating is a shift in both structure and teaching philosophy -- an entire mindset shift." I hope you will take some time to read and think about this article. Could this be something that will work for you and your students?

Wednesday, May 4, 2016

How was your year?

It may seem early to start thinking that way, but it’s time to start reflecting. I start to think through my year by reflecting on what went well. What can I celebrate about the school year? (Some of you may be thinking about celebrating the survival of the school year.) If you truly think about what happened this year you will find many small successes and hopefully some big successes too.

What surprised you this year? Did something go well that you thought would flop? Did something go terribly that you thought would be incredible? What did you learn from that? Look for a common theme that connects the things that went well. Incorporate those into other lessons.

What will you change for next year? Classroom layout? Daily procedures? Workshop structures? How will you prepare yourself for next year? Thinking about your goals now could help you to focus for next year. Just remember not to set too many goals. Set aside a little time over the summer to think about things you would like to change. Do the research to find best practices. And as always, don’t hesitate to contact your coaches.

In the next few weeks we will send out some ideas that may shift your ideas on ordinary and give you some goals for next year.